Sunday, July 14, 2013

Vassen Rainbow Eyes Greenish/Blue Circle Lens Review

For a while now I have been working on an original concept design dance outfit to wear to cons when I go to parties/raves. It's still very much in the works, but one thing I will say it involves, is my rainbow wig (Ziggy from Arda). I love wearing my rainbow wig, it gives me super powers...

So I wanted a pair of circle lenses to match it. Naturally when this series was first released, I got really excited because I thought they sounded perfect. However, these lenses are not as "rainbowy" as I thought they would be, but I still enjoyed them a lot. I'll get more into exactly how I felt about the effect later.

Anyways, I was making a huge order from Pinky, and just decided to give them a shot. That huge order I mentioned included seven pairs of circle lenses, so expect quite a few circle lens reviews in the future lol.


I ordered again from PinkyParadise, as I usually do. Previously they ran a special promotion, where if you bought ordered any lenses within a certain time period, they would give you a code to redeem a free pair of random lenses at a later date. I had that code, and also needed lenses for upcoming cosplays, so I ordered a large batch of them and now I'm set for the rest of this year and next XD Since I ordered so much, I ended up qualifying for free express shipping, and got them within a week. Everything was packaged well, and they came with all those cute animal lens cases! ^.^


As I sit here and type this I still don't really know how I feel about these lenses. I guess I expected the effect to be much more dramatic, since on the websites model, they stood out quite a bit. I didn't take into account my own eye color being so close to them though. It's honestly difficult for me to tell what my eyes are going to look like with lenses, because they literally change all the time. A lot of it is lighting, but I sometimes joke about my eyes changing based on the weather and other random things. I have taken picture of them in the exact same places and lighting each time I have done a review, and yet somehow they still look a little different in each picture. I don't know man, they are just weird.

Anyway, as you can see by the pictures, they decided to be more green when I wore these, so the lenses actually blended incredibly well with my own eyes. People did not know I was wearing lenses when I wore them, mostly due to the blending and the fact that they do not have dark rings around them. Despite the lack of the rings, they still enlarged my eyes quite a bit, and instead of having that dramatic flair, I felt they made my eyes look more sweet and innocent. I will definitely wear these more often because I do like the way they make eyes look, but again, if you are looking for something dramatic and have lighter colored eyes, these may not be for you. For you brown eyed folks, I have no doubt they would create a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT effect, so if someone has them and has done a review with good pictures, let me know and I will link your post to mine for brown eyed folks to see.


I don't have much to say in this department, because the lenses felt fantastic. They are 14.5mm/15.0mm, and despite their large size, they were extremely easy to get in and I forgot I was wearing them at times.

 Final Thoughts:

Website 5/5
No issues ordering, great customer service, awesome promotional offers.
Color/Enlargement Effect 4/5
Enlarged my eyes, but the color got lost in them.
Comfort 5/5 
 I love when I can wear lenses with ease!!

I would recommend these to people wanting a sweet subtle change while still getting an enlarging effect.

More reviews to come! Thank you for stopping by!


Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Future of My Blog (And I'll be at Anime Expo 2013)

To start I certainly do not want the tone of this post to seem negative or angry, because it definitely is not, but I wanted to explain some changes I will be making to this blog in the future and the reasons for doing so.

To start this thing doesn't really get much attention anyway, but the posts that do get the most attention, my cosplay write ups, are what I am looking to change. Some may call this stupid, because I am basically taking what is working and messing with it, but there are some bigger issues I am facing which are the cause.

First let me clarify that I am the biggest believer in sharing creative processes and methods when it comes to cosplay. I believe that a community which is open about sharing techniques and ideas is a strong community that also ends up attracting more and more people to it due to the comfortable and welcoming attitude most cosplayers share. For that reason I elected to share ALL of my costumes and show people EXACTLY how I made them. At first this was great and what little feedback I got from people, was always positive and I felt like I had genuinely helped some people and they were grateful. But as time has gone on, that thankful attitude has turned into a rather harsh demand for information and it has slowly made me more and more cynical about sharing how I make my stuff. It's frustrating when people demand information out of you, and when you give it to them, they disappear without even a "thank you" in return. This is obviously not everyone, I have had a lot of kind people thank me for sharing info and even credit me on some of their cosplays which wasn’t necessary but really sweet, but it seems not everyone shares the same attitude. Perhaps this is the community itself slowly changing, or maybe I have just been unlucky enough to get such a significant amount of people treating me this way, but regardless I have decided to hold off on doing cosplay write ups for a while to avoid getting anymore bitter about it. I have held off on posting my Kyary Pamyu Pamyu cosplay write up for a while even though it's been finished since February, and doing so has even more so proved my point from the pushy PM's I've received from people.


Please feel free to ask me as many questions as you need and I will kindly answer them. I just will not take people bullying me for information anymore, and I won't be making the full detailed write ups for a little while.

That being said, this is what I WILL be doing on this blog :D

  • I will continue to do Circle lens reviews and write ups, since they are fun to do and seem to be actually helping some people.

  • I plan on posting some cosplay tutorials, ranging from sewing techniques to armor and prop making.

  • I plan to continue to make posts about cons I visit + I will now most likely post pictures that I take of other people at conventions on here so that they might find them easier.

Obviously I may post other things too, like articles, interviews, projects I might be a part of... the only difference is that there will not be as many full write ups anymore.

Again I hope this hasn't come across as angry because it is totally not, and I don't want anyone to be put off by it. I cannot stress how much I definitely still want people to ask me questions as they need to, just please ask them nicely :)

Thank you everyone for your support thus far, and I hope to bring you much much more in the future! If you need to get a hold of me away from here, these are the best places to do it..


I recommend you get a hold of me on facebook more so than deviantART just because lately I have been checking that more than anything.

I have new cosplays to show you soon! And I will be attending Anime Expo here in less than a week!



Saturday, March 30, 2013

Kyary Pamyu Pamyu Fashion Monster Preview

This month  has been really hectic for me, so I haven't had a chance to really sit down and go over my last con and my new cosplay. It's looking like it will take me a while, so for now here are some pictures from the convention of my newest cosplay, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu's Fashion Monster outfit! I am still working on her guitar which goes along with it, and as soon as it is done it will be posted. Everything was made by me :D

I'll have more updates for you all soon!


Saturday, March 23, 2013

EOS Dolly Eye Blue Circle Lens Review

For many of my cosplays, I have used these lenses. I used my blue set for all my Luka cosplays, and will be using them for a few upcoming ones as well. For both my Alice cosplays, I had also worn the Dolly Eye contacts in Green, so I'm pretty familiar with this line of lenses. Since My green and blue pair are virtually the same but just in different colors, I won't review the green pair, and just know they are the same as far as comfort and all that goes. You can see how the green pair look by checking out both my Alice cosplays :)

Website Ordering

I have ordered a few pairs of these now, and had no issues. I bought them from PinkyParadise. For one of my orders, I ended up having to request a replacement due to one of my lenses being defective. When I contacted Pinky about it, they immediately dispatched a new lens to me, and I had it within a week. I'll get more to the discomfort portion of that story later, but as far as customer service goes, I couldn't have been happier.


When it comes to standing out, these lenses take the cake. I had a lot of people notice them immediately, both up close and far away while wearing them. For cosplay I would say these are great. They help achieve a noticeable effect, while also helping you be accurate to certain characters. For example, Alice from AMR, had very unatural green eyes. They were incredibly large, and super green. So using these contacts for her cosplay ended up perfect, because the black ring around the edge made them pop like in the game, while the super bright green color also matched nicely. Same with Luka, who's eyes are a deep blue. Since these contacts are meant to stand out and not blend, they are great for achieving that dramatic, cartoony look. However on the flip side of that, you will notice that because they do not blend, your eye color underneath ends up showing through. This happens with almost all circle lenses, but because these don't blend it stands out a lot more in photos. Keep in mind however, that at a distance, this is not apparent, and people can very clearly see you eye color change. If you are looking for everyday contacts, or subtle color change, these aren't the contacts for you. For costuming purposes however, they are awesome, and highly recommended.

I will say the makeup for this one is exceptionally bad XD I ended up doing it twice, because the first time was so awful. I wasn't too terribly happy with my second try, but was short on time so it will have to work >.>


Here is where things get a little sour..
When I first put these in, I had some extreme discomfort in one of my eyes. I took out the lens I was having troubles with, and checked it to make sure there wasn't anything on it, or that it wasn't inside out, and found nothing. I repeated this multiple times, trying it in different eyes, and got the same result. I checked the lens more closely and thought I saw an imperfection on it, so I went through Pinky's process of getting a replacement and was given one immediately as I mentioned earlier. However when the new one arrived, I went to take another go at it, and had almost the same issue with the new lens. I started to think maybe it was something wrong with MY eye, but after trying different brands,  I found the only issue I was having was with these. Even after ordering an entirely new pair when my old ones expired, I still ran into the same issue. It was never a specific eye or lens, they would just randomly hurt, or be so uncomfortable, I had to remove them. Eventually I got to the point where I would just leave them in and fight through the discomfort until it eventually subsided, which often took a while. While putting these on for this review, I even experienced the same issue, had to take one out, and after putting it back on a second time, suddenly it was just fine. After owning all the pairs I have, and experiencing this same issue with all of them at random, I really don't know what is to blame for it. So I guess the only advice I can offer, is make sure they are really clean, and if you aren't used to wearing contacts, you might want to wear some others and get accustomed to them before trying these out.

Another important thing to note about these, is that due to extreme pigmentation and the fact that they do not blend, you will get color out of your peripherals when wearing these. Also make sure to keep them moisturized with stuff like Visine, as they tend to shift when you close your eyes or blink, causing them to make your vision colored for a moment when you open them. This seem to be an issue mostly when they are dry.

Website 5/5
No issues ordering, and great customer service.
Color/Enlargement Effect 5/5
Perfect for costuming purposes!
Comfort 3.5/5  
Take care when wearing, and anticipate some discomfort.

Despite issues I've had with them, I would buy again, in fact I already have ^.^

Hope this has been helpful and informative. Let me know if you have any questions and good luck shopping!

I have a few costume write ups, a con recap, and more circle lens reviews on the way soon :D