Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Future of My Blog (And I'll be at Anime Expo 2013)

To start I certainly do not want the tone of this post to seem negative or angry, because it definitely is not, but I wanted to explain some changes I will be making to this blog in the future and the reasons for doing so.

To start this thing doesn't really get much attention anyway, but the posts that do get the most attention, my cosplay write ups, are what I am looking to change. Some may call this stupid, because I am basically taking what is working and messing with it, but there are some bigger issues I am facing which are the cause.

First let me clarify that I am the biggest believer in sharing creative processes and methods when it comes to cosplay. I believe that a community which is open about sharing techniques and ideas is a strong community that also ends up attracting more and more people to it due to the comfortable and welcoming attitude most cosplayers share. For that reason I elected to share ALL of my costumes and show people EXACTLY how I made them. At first this was great and what little feedback I got from people, was always positive and I felt like I had genuinely helped some people and they were grateful. But as time has gone on, that thankful attitude has turned into a rather harsh demand for information and it has slowly made me more and more cynical about sharing how I make my stuff. It's frustrating when people demand information out of you, and when you give it to them, they disappear without even a "thank you" in return. This is obviously not everyone, I have had a lot of kind people thank me for sharing info and even credit me on some of their cosplays which wasn’t necessary but really sweet, but it seems not everyone shares the same attitude. Perhaps this is the community itself slowly changing, or maybe I have just been unlucky enough to get such a significant amount of people treating me this way, but regardless I have decided to hold off on doing cosplay write ups for a while to avoid getting anymore bitter about it. I have held off on posting my Kyary Pamyu Pamyu cosplay write up for a while even though it's been finished since February, and doing so has even more so proved my point from the pushy PM's I've received from people.


Please feel free to ask me as many questions as you need and I will kindly answer them. I just will not take people bullying me for information anymore, and I won't be making the full detailed write ups for a little while.

That being said, this is what I WILL be doing on this blog :D

  • I will continue to do Circle lens reviews and write ups, since they are fun to do and seem to be actually helping some people.

  • I plan on posting some cosplay tutorials, ranging from sewing techniques to armor and prop making.

  • I plan to continue to make posts about cons I visit + I will now most likely post pictures that I take of other people at conventions on here so that they might find them easier.

Obviously I may post other things too, like articles, interviews, projects I might be a part of... the only difference is that there will not be as many full write ups anymore.

Again I hope this hasn't come across as angry because it is totally not, and I don't want anyone to be put off by it. I cannot stress how much I definitely still want people to ask me questions as they need to, just please ask them nicely :)

Thank you everyone for your support thus far, and I hope to bring you much much more in the future! If you need to get a hold of me away from here, these are the best places to do it..


I recommend you get a hold of me on facebook more so than deviantART just because lately I have been checking that more than anything.

I have new cosplays to show you soon! And I will be attending Anime Expo here in less than a week!