Sunday, February 3, 2013

Time for an Update!!

I suppose I am due for an update huh?!

After the holidays my year started off busy pretty much immediately. I'm already struggling to keep up with crap but here's what's going on in my little cosplay world.

I am unfortunately not attending Katsucon. I just couln't get enough people together to go. Next year I'm seriously going to try though!

I am attending Naka-Kon as usual.

For that I am working on this as my major project..


Out of all the things she has done, I just couldn't resist this outfit. Mostly because of DAT GUITAR. I'm so excited to wear this.

This is what I have so far..

Everything made/altered by me. I will better explain how I made everything when the costume is all finished.

I'm also doing another costume for Naka, but due to some issues I've ran into I don't want to announce it just yet becasue I'm not 100% sure it will happen.

Just cross your fingers for me.

I'm also making another costume for Michael, and doing some work for other people so I have a lot on my plate >.<

As far as pictures go I am still trying to get caught up on photo shoots as well. The first one I'd like to knock out is Officer Jenny, and that should be done when the weather gets warmer.

Anyways I should be back soon.

As always thanks for stopping by!



  1. Hello! ^_^ Your Cosplay is looking wonderful so far! I can't wait to see the end result. c: May I ask, where you got your necklace/choker? <3 Thank you for your time! Good luck with the Cosplay! ^w^

    1. Hi :)
      I bought my choker on eBay and then altered it myself to make it look like hers.
