Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Nebraskon (We only went for Wheatfields)

I attended Nebraskon was this weekend (Nov 4th-6th) in Omaha Nebraska and I have to say it was a blast! I went with my best friend Linda, and my good friends Jas and Nam. Nebraskon is a fairly small convention (as most midwest con's are) and to be honest I wasn't expecting a whole lot. But they ended up really wowing me! They did a great job this year. There was a great turn out with a lot of great cosplays, and the cosplay competition (which we joined) had a HUGE turn out and awesome crowd. All in all I was very happy with it and I'm hoping to go next year as well. We didn't win anything for our cosplays but I got some great feedback on my Alice cospay, as well as me and Linda's Miku and Luka Magnet cosplays so it was well worth it.

I have pictures to share!

First is my Alice cosplay was Debuted and I had so much fun wearing this and carrying around my Hobby Horse! It was all made by me.


I wanted to show off my amazing makeup. My friend Linda is a professional seamstress, makeup artist, costume designer, hair dresser, and fashion designer, so I am very fortunate to have such a skillful friend. Her work can be found here http://linda-pop.deviantart.com/ She did all my makeup for the weekend, and I got a lot of compliments on it. With Alice, getting her makeup right is really important for the cosplay. People are very critical of those who don't get it right and I didn't want to be on the receiving end of that :/ But I don't know how to makeup. I'm not good at being girly. So she took over and rocked it!

MY green contacts are Dolly Eye Green brand and I bought them from PinkyParadise.com They are so comfortable and make a very dramatic effect!


A rear view of my Alice Cosplay.


There's Alice! Got this awesome picture of me, my hobby horse Edgar, and the best Old Spice Guy cosplayer ever Bill!!

I cosplayed as Alice on friday and although I had a few rude comments from some guys about my hobby horse I overall had such a good time being her. A friend of mine is going to take some professional photos of the cosplay later on and they will be up on my deviantart page. I'm going to make some adjustments before then.

Anyway next day me and Linda went as the Vocaloids Miku and Luka Magnet Version.

If you don't know what those are this is what they look like...


The nice thing about this cosplay is that the original art for these two does not show the bottom half of their dresses so it's left up to interpretation by the fans! Me and Linda had fun designing them and we made them by ourselves. She hand drafted patterns for both of them and told me how to sew mine (since I'm still learning). I had to hand gather over ten yards of fabric for the bottom ruffle on the dress and while doing so I was like;


Holy crap that was the worst sewing expierence I've had thus far.

BUT! The finished product was worth it!!


Look at us!! We loved how they turned out! So much hard work! Linda once again did my makeup and did a fantastic job. We made our Headphones as well, and Linda styled her wig.



     (lol my face XD)


Sorry for low camera resolution. But there we are! We entered these in the cosplay competition. Didn't win anything but we got a great reaction from the crowd :) She is the best Miku ever!! <3


One last close up of my makeup by Linda. Contacts are Dolly Eye Blue from Pinky Paradise.


We are dumb lol

Linda's amazing friend Borin took some professional photos of us, and again those will be on my deviant art when they are done.

Speaking of Borin...


THERE HE IS! ADVENTURE TIMEEEE!!! I <3 this guy. He is fantastic.

We also ran into our doubles!! This was so weird they we like younger versions of us! They were so sweet too.

The last day was pretty chill. We hung out at my friend Jas' Artist table in the vender hall. He is an amzing artist. Please go see his works http://ca-jas.deviantart.com/

There he is with Edgar XD lol


And the last noteable expierence was my first trip to Wheatfields the resturant!


           (oh my insulin..)


       (Breakfast of god's)

If you are ever in Omaha GO TO WHEATFIELDS!!

Last to share is my con swag. There wasn't much so I'll just share the most amazing thing I got...


A bust of Asuka one of my favorite characters which was signed by her voice actor Tiffany Grant! Meeting Tiffany was amazing she was so nice!!

For now that pretty much sums it up. Check out my deviant art for official cosplay photos and say hi to me here if you like.

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