Saturday, February 4, 2012

Saeko Progress

So it's time for me to update everyone on my progress. Not because it was demanded by anyone (since no one reads this thing) but because I'm anxious and have nothing better to do with myself.

SO I'm doing Saeko Busujima from High School of the Dead

There is an example, although I will be doing the outfit she wears at the END of season 1. Yeah that one...
I'm pretty nervous since I haven't really worn something that, well scandalous before, but I'm doing it anyway.

For this cosplay I used Newspaper to draft my pattern.

I have seen different variation when it comes to how many pieces the shirt has, but I just decided to wing it and see how it turned out.

Pretty Strait forward. I cut four sections for the top and attached them. Interesting fact..
My friend Linda is going with me a Saya (we actually have an entire group for this) and she told me she had made her top out of an old bedsheet she found to save money. Initially I laughed with her about it, but while I was searching for something that fell under my bed, I found an old bedsheet of mine that I had to stop using because my dog tore a hole in it. The reason I didn't throw it away, is because I am a hoarder who can't pitch anything, and I figured I'd find a use for it someday. Also they were the softest sheets I'd ever owned and I loved them so much :'(
Anyway, I looked at the bedsheets, then looked at my empty bank account, and said "Eh, WTF why not. And proceeded to make the top out of it.
It is now quite possible the most comfy top I've ever worn..
What can I say I'm thrifty biotch..

I added the light green piece in the side, knowing I'd eventually have to adjust it to fit. Then comes the part I hate...


I hate Bias. It is awful and I wish I never had to use it. I would burn all the bias in the world if I could.
I used it all along the bottom and up the front. i had to tear it out in some places a few time, but I eventually got it to a point where I felt it was presentable. Is it perfect? FUCK NO. But it will do.

After getting the pieces together I added the 3 buttons that are on her shirt that I can see from the ref pictures. They will function as actuall buttons but I didn't feel they'd be enought to prevent people from being able to see into my sirt when I bent over and stuff so I added some snap button to go underneath as well. that way they wouldn't show and I wouldn't show my boobs.

So far that is what I have for the shirt. The skirt is pretty much done and I have the stockings too. The leg armor is about 75% done. More pictures as I finish that. I've also started work on her sword. I'm using a fake plastic one for the convention since I can't take anything real in. I will show pictures later too.

Anyway, that's it for now.

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