Saturday, March 23, 2013

EOS Dolly Eye Blue Circle Lens Review

For many of my cosplays, I have used these lenses. I used my blue set for all my Luka cosplays, and will be using them for a few upcoming ones as well. For both my Alice cosplays, I had also worn the Dolly Eye contacts in Green, so I'm pretty familiar with this line of lenses. Since My green and blue pair are virtually the same but just in different colors, I won't review the green pair, and just know they are the same as far as comfort and all that goes. You can see how the green pair look by checking out both my Alice cosplays :)

Website Ordering

I have ordered a few pairs of these now, and had no issues. I bought them from PinkyParadise. For one of my orders, I ended up having to request a replacement due to one of my lenses being defective. When I contacted Pinky about it, they immediately dispatched a new lens to me, and I had it within a week. I'll get more to the discomfort portion of that story later, but as far as customer service goes, I couldn't have been happier.


When it comes to standing out, these lenses take the cake. I had a lot of people notice them immediately, both up close and far away while wearing them. For cosplay I would say these are great. They help achieve a noticeable effect, while also helping you be accurate to certain characters. For example, Alice from AMR, had very unatural green eyes. They were incredibly large, and super green. So using these contacts for her cosplay ended up perfect, because the black ring around the edge made them pop like in the game, while the super bright green color also matched nicely. Same with Luka, who's eyes are a deep blue. Since these contacts are meant to stand out and not blend, they are great for achieving that dramatic, cartoony look. However on the flip side of that, you will notice that because they do not blend, your eye color underneath ends up showing through. This happens with almost all circle lenses, but because these don't blend it stands out a lot more in photos. Keep in mind however, that at a distance, this is not apparent, and people can very clearly see you eye color change. If you are looking for everyday contacts, or subtle color change, these aren't the contacts for you. For costuming purposes however, they are awesome, and highly recommended.

I will say the makeup for this one is exceptionally bad XD I ended up doing it twice, because the first time was so awful. I wasn't too terribly happy with my second try, but was short on time so it will have to work >.>


Here is where things get a little sour..
When I first put these in, I had some extreme discomfort in one of my eyes. I took out the lens I was having troubles with, and checked it to make sure there wasn't anything on it, or that it wasn't inside out, and found nothing. I repeated this multiple times, trying it in different eyes, and got the same result. I checked the lens more closely and thought I saw an imperfection on it, so I went through Pinky's process of getting a replacement and was given one immediately as I mentioned earlier. However when the new one arrived, I went to take another go at it, and had almost the same issue with the new lens. I started to think maybe it was something wrong with MY eye, but after trying different brands,  I found the only issue I was having was with these. Even after ordering an entirely new pair when my old ones expired, I still ran into the same issue. It was never a specific eye or lens, they would just randomly hurt, or be so uncomfortable, I had to remove them. Eventually I got to the point where I would just leave them in and fight through the discomfort until it eventually subsided, which often took a while. While putting these on for this review, I even experienced the same issue, had to take one out, and after putting it back on a second time, suddenly it was just fine. After owning all the pairs I have, and experiencing this same issue with all of them at random, I really don't know what is to blame for it. So I guess the only advice I can offer, is make sure they are really clean, and if you aren't used to wearing contacts, you might want to wear some others and get accustomed to them before trying these out.

Another important thing to note about these, is that due to extreme pigmentation and the fact that they do not blend, you will get color out of your peripherals when wearing these. Also make sure to keep them moisturized with stuff like Visine, as they tend to shift when you close your eyes or blink, causing them to make your vision colored for a moment when you open them. This seem to be an issue mostly when they are dry.

Website 5/5
No issues ordering, and great customer service.
Color/Enlargement Effect 5/5
Perfect for costuming purposes!
Comfort 3.5/5  
Take care when wearing, and anticipate some discomfort.

Despite issues I've had with them, I would buy again, in fact I already have ^.^

Hope this has been helpful and informative. Let me know if you have any questions and good luck shopping!

I have a few costume write ups, a con recap, and more circle lens reviews on the way soon :D 


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