Saturday, March 9, 2013

G&G (known as Dueba/Barbie) A21 Grey Circle Lens Review

For my echo cosplay, I got to try out an all new color for circle lenses. I had never bought grey lenses before, so I had no idea where to start. The problem I ran into, was that a lot of grey lenses seemed to be made to wear for beauty purposes, so they weren't necessarily designed for dramatic effect. I did A LOT of research on this, trying to find good pictures of them on other people online, and after literally a few days of looking, I finally decided to settle for these. While ultimately I wasn't really happy with them as cosplay contacts (I'll go more into that later), I have been wearing them every once in a while on days that I dress up, as a nice enhancement to my normal eyes.

Website Ordering

I purchased these from Pinkie Paradise, which is where I usually order from. Ordering was smooth as usual and they arrived fast because I chose the more expensive shipping option since I needed them for a con. I found it hard to find pictures of people wearing these on their site which made the process take quite a bit of time.


As far as color goes, I was disappointed with  these as cosplay contacts as I said earlier, but not with the contacts as a whole. For cosplay, they do not cover the eye enough to make a dramatic or noticeable effect. Since a lot of circle lenses are meant to be worn for beauty purposes, they are a lot of the times made to blend well with the wearers original eye color so they do not look super fake. So as beauty lenses, these are actually really nice. The grey color blended really well with my own eye color creating a very subtle color change, while the black ring around the outside helped make my eyes POP. For every day use these are a nice way to enhance your eyes, but as far as cosplay goes I would not reccomend them. It would seem I am back on the hunt for new grey lenses, but at least I found a really nice pair for everyday use!

Here are the pictures again of the contacts. Again I'd like to reiterate that I'm not an expert at makeup, but I am learning. I'm also still not having luck getting a sunny day to take pictures, since the weather here is so poopy.

The following pictures are not photoshopped and little to no editing was done so they look as close to real life as possible.


I was able to wear these comfortably at a convention all day without any issues. The fact that the color is so far away from the pupils also makes them easy to see in without catching any color when looking in your peripherals. The only time I ever had an issue was when I first got them, because one was inside out when I put it on. It took me a while to actually realize what the problem was since I get these without a prescription. But once I did I felt like an idiot. Really though, these are kinda difficult to tell whether they are inside out or not, so be careful when you put them in, or really any circle lens for that matter.  Besides that one instance these were pretty comfy lenses and I often times forgot I was even wearing them.

 Final Verdict:

Website 5/5
No issues ordering
Color/Enlargement Effect 4.5/5
Great for everyday wear but not really good for cosplay.
Comfort 5/5
Wearable all day!!

Would buy again for everyday use, but not for cosplay.

These are nice, comfortable lenses and I would recommend them if you are wanting a subtle boost to your normal eyes. Hope this helps some of you out, and I will have more reviews for you soon! Naka is this next weekend and after that things will calm down enough for me to get caught up on them. 

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. Not sure how old is this post but thanks for the pictures of comparing size and such a clear view on how it does make the natural eye color pop in a natural way by slight enlargement. It's exactly what I was looking for, I believe I will be ordering these for a daily look. ( Been trying to find a pair of super natural looking green lenses with a black outer circle but no luck, all of them look quite fake..)


  2. you have really nice, long eyelashes... *envious*
